spheric | |
rounded without plane parallel ends | |
rounded and ribbed without plane parallel ends | |
rounded with plane parallel ends | |
rounded and ribbed with plane parallel ends | |
rounded with tordated ends | |
cylindrical | |
cylindroid with oval section | |
truncated cone | |
truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equator | |
truncated bicone, the bases are the ends of the bead | |
rectangular prismatic | |
rectangular prismatic with cut corners | |
pentagonal rectangular prismatic | |
hexagonal rectangular prismatic | |
asymmetrical hexagonal bipyramidal | |
octagonal rectangular prismatic | |
asymmetrical octagonal bipyramidal | |
hexagonal oval | |
octagonal rectangular prismatic with facetted sloping ends | |
symmetrical hexagonal bipyramidal | |
symmetrical octagonal bipyramidal | |
planum parallel rhomboid discoid with facetted edges | |
octagonal truncated cone | |
globular, hexagonal-octagonal with quadrangular to hexagonal facets | |
planum parallel rounded discoid with facetted edges |