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Oct 13, 2012
Oct 7, 2012
Sept, 2012 - Baron's Howe ('12)
Oct 15, 2011
Sep 10, 2011
Sep 26, 2009
Jul 18, 2009
Jul 4, 2009
May 30, 2009
Sep 1, 2008
Jul 20, 2008
Jul 1, 2008
Jun 14, 2008
First Experiment
Questions & Answers
Crafts in Ribe
Glass Beads
Stone Beads
Bead Summary
Small Summary
Bead Classifier
A small printable version is available here

Monochrome by shape

Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mm    medium greenOpaqueA507 - 1 at Frojel.
Rounded without plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA371 -
    greyish whiteOpaqueA371 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mm    noncolouredSemi-TranslucentA010 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA130 - Callmer 6 in 4 finds
6-8mm    blackOpaqueA030 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    bluish greyOpaqueA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
9-11mm    blackOpaqueA030 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA131 - Callmer 215 in 91 finds
    bluish greyOpaqueA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
12-14mm    blackOpaqueA031 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA271 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mm    bluish greySemi-TranslucentA240 -
    bluish greenTranslucentA264 -
6-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
    blackOpaqueA033 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
9-11mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
    blackOpaqueA033 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
9-11mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
    bluish greySemi-TranslucentA241 -
Rounded and ribbed without plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mm    bluish greyOpaqueA251 -
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA273 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    bluish greenOpaqueA282 -
12-14mm    bluish greenOpaqueA282 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mm    bluish greyOpaqueA251 -
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA273 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    bluish greenOpaqueA282 -
    dark greenOpaqueA330 - Callmer 4 in 1 finds
12-14mm    bluish greenOpaqueA282 -
Rounded with plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
    dark brownOpaqueA510 - 6 at Frojel.
6-8mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
    yellowTranslucentA042 - Callmer 13 in 6 finds
    yellowOpaqueA060 - Callmer 30 in 19 finds
    redTranslucentA100 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    redSemi-TranslucentA110 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    redOpaqueA500 - 16 at Frojel.
    dark brownOpaqueA510 - 6 at Frojel.
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA151 - Callmer 7 in 2 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA171 - Callmer 723 in 104 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA509 - 8 at Frojel.
    bluish greyTranslucentA230 -
    bluish greenTranslucentA260 - Callmer 115 in 43 finds
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA270 - Callmer 24 in 16 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA340 - Callmer 11 in 6 finds
    greyish greenSemi-TranslucentA350 -
9-11mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    noncolouredSemi-TranslucentA012 - Callmer 6 in 6 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA022 - 1 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA022 - 1 at Frojel.
    blackOpaqueA032 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds and 1 at Frojel.
    yellowTranslucentA042 - Callmer 13 in 6 finds
    yellowOpaqueA060 - Callmer 30 in 19 finds
    redOpaqueA500 - 16 at Frojel.
    dark brownOpaqueA510 - 6 at Frojel.
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA152 - Callmer 17 in 8 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA171 - Callmer 723 in 104 finds
    dark blueOpaqueA190 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    forget-me-not blueTranslucentA200 -
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA509 - 8 at Frojel.
    bluish greyTranslucentA230 -
    bluish greenTranslucentA260 - Callmer 115 in 43 finds
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA270 - Callmer 24 in 16 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA340 - Callmer 11 in 6 finds
12-14mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
    yellowTranslucentA043 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
    yellowSemi-TranslucentA516 - 2 at Frojel.
    redOpaqueA500 - 16 at Frojel.
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA153 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA172 - Callmer 83 in 35 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA262 - Callmer 15 in 12 finds
15-17mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA172 - Callmer 83 in 35 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA262 - Callmer 15 in 12 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA293 -
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA293 -
18-20mm    noncolouredTranslucentA002 - Callmer 16 in 7 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
    bluish greyTranslucentA231 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA342 - Callmer 37 in 19 finds
21-23mm    brownish redOpaqueA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA263 - Callmer 7 in 5 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA342 - Callmer 37 in 19 finds
24-26mm    brownish redOpaqueA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA263 - Callmer 7 in 5 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
    yellowTranslucentA040 -
    brownish redOpaqueA130 - Callmer 6 in 4 finds
    dark brownOpaqueA510 - 6 at Frojel.
    dark blueTranslucentA170 - Callmer 57 in 22 finds
6-8mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    noncolouredSemi-TranslucentA011 - Callmer 11 in 4 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
    greyOpaqueA504 - 1 at Frojel.
    yellowTranslucentA041 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    yellowOpaqueA061 - Callmer 17 in 13 finds and 2 at Frojel.
    greyish yellowOpaqueA070 - Callmer 11 in 9 finds
    orangeSemi-TranslucentA080 -
    orangeOpaqueA090 - Callmer 52 in 36 finds
    redOpaqueA500 - 16 at Frojel.
    yellow brownTranslucentA120 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
    yellow brownOpaqueA511 - 1 at Frojel.
    brownish redOpaqueA513 - 1 at Frojel.
    dark brownOpaqueA510 - 6 at Frojel.
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA509 - 8 at Frojel.
    bluish greyOpaqueA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA261 - Callmer 46 in 20 finds
    bluish greenOpaqueA280 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA290 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA290 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
    medium greenOpaqueA505 - 4 at Frojel.
    greyish greenTranslucentA341 - Callmer 361 in 85 finds
    greyish greenSemi-TranslucentA351 - Callmer 23 in 9 finds
    greyish greenOpaqueA360 - Callmer 352 in 73 finds
9-11mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA501 - 10 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA501 - 10 at Frojel.
    yellowTranslucentA041 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    yellowSemi-TranslucentA050 -
    yellowOpaqueA502 - 6 at Frojel.
    greyish yellowOpaqueA070 - Callmer 11 in 9 finds
    redOpaqueA500 - 16 at Frojel.
    dark brownOpaqueA510 - 6 at Frojel.
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA509 - 8 at Frojel.
    bluish greyOpaqueA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA261 - Callmer 46 in 20 finds
    bluish greenOpaqueA280 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA506 - 1 at Frojel.
    greyish greenTranslucentA341 - Callmer 361 in 85 finds
12-14mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
    noncolouredSemi-TranslucentA013 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
    yellowSemi-TranslucentA516 - 2 at Frojel.
    redOpaqueA500 - 16 at Frojel.
    brownish redOpaqueA132 - Callmer 10 in 7 finds
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA154 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA292 -
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA292 -
15-17mm    noncolouredTranslucentA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
18-20mm    brownish redOpaqueA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
21-23mm    brownish redOpaqueA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
24-26mm    brownish redOpaqueA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mm    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA155 - Callmer 4 in 1 finds
9-11mm    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA155 - Callmer 4 in 1 finds
18-20mm    dark blueTranslucentA173 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mm    noncolouredTranslucentA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
6-8mm    noncolouredTranslucentA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
9-11mm    noncolouredTranslucentA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
12-14mm    noncolouredTranslucentA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mm    noncolouredTranslucentA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
6-8mm    noncolouredTranslucentA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA026 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA026 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    yellowTranslucentA045 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA345 - Callmer 84 in 29 finds
9-11mm    noncolouredTranslucentA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
    noncolouredSemi-TranslucentA014 -
    yellow brownOpaqueA512 - 1 at Frojel.
    brownish redOpaqueA137 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA158 - Callmer 12 in 4 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA177 - Callmer 55 in 31 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA211 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA274 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    medium greenTranslucentA300 - Callmer 16 in 7 finds
    medium greenOpaqueA320 - Callmer 8 in 4 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA345 - Callmer 84 in 29 finds
12-14mm    noncolouredTranslucentA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
    yellowTranslucentA046 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA178 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA515 - 2 at Frojel.
    bluish greenTranslucentA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    medium greenTranslucentA300 - Callmer 16 in 7 finds
15-17mm    yellowTranslucentA046 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA515 - 2 at Frojel.
    greyish greenTranslucentA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
18-20mm    bluish greenOpaqueA281 -
    greyish greenTranslucentA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.515-17mm    greyish greenTranslucentA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
18-20mm    greyish greenTranslucentA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
9-11mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
    yellowOpaqueA063 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA135 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA514 - 2 at Frojel.
9-11mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
    greyish whiteOpaqueA503 - 5 at Frojel.
    yellowOpaqueA517 - 1 at Frojel.
    brownish redOpaqueA135 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA514 - 2 at Frojel.
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA294 -
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA294 -
12-14mm    brownish redOpaqueA135 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mm    noncolouredTranslucentA003 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    yellowTranslucentA044 -
    yellowOpaqueA063 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA174 - Callmer 10 in 9 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA514 - 2 at Frojel.
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA343 - Callmer 5 in 5 finds
9-11mm    noncolouredTranslucentA003 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA174 - Callmer 10 in 9 finds
    forget-me-not blueSemi-TranslucentA514 - 2 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA134 - Callmer 7 in 5 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA175 - Callmer 7 in 7 finds
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA156 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA175 - Callmer 7 in 7 finds
    bluish greenSemi-TranslucentA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA508 - 1 at Frojel.
    greyish greenOpaqueA361 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
9-11mm    yellowOpaqueA064 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mm    dark blueTranslucentA179 -
12-14mm    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA159 -
    dark blueTranslucentA179 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mm    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA160 -
    dark blueTranslucentA180 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentA266 -
12-14mm    dark blueTranslucentA180 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
Cylindroid with oval section
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    dark blueTranslucentQ031 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    medium greenTranslucentQ051 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
6-8mm    dark blueTranslucentQ031 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    medium greenTranslucentQ051 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Truncated cone
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mm    orangeOpaqueA091 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA136 - Callmer 6 in 6 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equator
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mm    noncolouredTranslucentA004 - Callmer 9 in 2 finds
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA157 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA176 - Callmer 49 in 16 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA344 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
12-14mm    noncolouredTranslucentA004 - Callmer 9 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mm    medium greenOpaqueA322 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentA344 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
12-14mm    yellowOpaqueA062 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    medium greenOpaqueA322 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    yellowOpaqueA066 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    bluish greenOpaqueA283 -
6-8mm    yellowOpaqueA066 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    bluish greenOpaqueA283 -
Truncated bicone, the bases are the ends of the bead
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mm    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA310 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mm    brownish redOpaqueA138 - Callmer 9 in 7 finds
6-8mm    brownish redOpaqueA138 - Callmer 9 in 7 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA181 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA310 -
9-11mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA029 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA029 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA181 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentA296 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    pale turquoiseOpaqueA296 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    yellowSemi-TranslucentA051 -
    yellowOpaqueA065 - Callmer 7 in 6 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentA161 -
    dark blueTranslucentA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    medium greenOpaqueA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
6-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    blackOpaqueA034 -
    brownish redOpaqueA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
    medium greenTranslucentA301 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    medium greenOpaqueA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    medium greenOpaqueA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
6-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
    medium greenOpaqueA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut corners
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mm    brownish redOpaqueA140 -
    dark blueTranslucentQ030 - Callmer 5 in 1 finds
    medium greenTranslucentQ050 - Callmer 16 in 1 finds
6-8mm    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
    brownish redOpaqueA140 -
    dark blueTranslucentQ030 - Callmer 5 in 1 finds
    forget-me-not blueOpaqueA220 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    medium greenTranslucentQ050 - Callmer 16 in 1 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA312 -
9-11mm    noncolouredTranslucentA007 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
    dark blueTranslucentA183 - Callmer 52 in 23 finds
    forget-me-not blueOpaqueA220 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentA312 -
Pentagonal rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentQ011 -
    medium greenOpaqueQ062 -
6-8mm    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentQ011 -
Hexagonal rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mm    dark blueTranslucentQ034 -
    medium greenTranslucentQ053 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    brownish redOpaqueQ001 -
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentQ010 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    dark blueTranslucentQ033 -
    bluish greenTranslucentQ020 - Callmer 15 in 1 finds
    medium greenTranslucentQ060 -
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentQ060 -
6-8mm    brownish redOpaqueQ001 -
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentQ010 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    dark blueTranslucentQ033 -
    bluish greenTranslucentQ020 - Callmer 15 in 1 finds
    medium greenTranslucentQ060 -
    medium greenSemi-TranslucentQ060 -
    medium greenOpaqueQ061 -
9-11mm    dark blueTranslucentQ034 -
    medium greenTranslucentQ053 -
Octagonal rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mm    dark blueTranslucentQ032 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
6-8mm    dark blueTranslucentQ032 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Symmetrical hexagonal bipyramidal
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mm    dark blueTranslucentQ035 -
9-11mm    dark blueTranslucentQ035 -
Globular, hexagonal-octagonal with quadrangular to hexagonal facets
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mm    dark blueTranslucentQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mm    dark blueTranslucentQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mm    dark blueTranslucentQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mm    dark blueTranslucentQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mm    dark blueTranslucentQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mm    dark blueTranslucentQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds


Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmT001 - Callmer 169 in 33 finds and 5 at Frojel.
6-8mmT001 - Callmer 169 in 33 finds and 5 at Frojel.
9-11mmT001 - Callmer 169 in 33 finds and 5 at Frojel.
12-14mmT001 - Callmer 169 in 33 finds and 5 at Frojel.
Rounded and ribbed without plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 115-17mmT008 -
18-20mmT008 -
21-23mmT008 -
Rounded with plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmT003 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
6-8mmT003 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmT014 - Callmer 100 in 7 finds
6-8mmT014 - Callmer 100 in 7 finds
9-11mmT014 - Callmer 100 in 7 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmT014 - Callmer 100 in 7 finds
6-8mmT014 - Callmer 100 in 7 finds
9-11mmT014 - Callmer 100 in 7 finds
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equator
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmT002 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmT015 - 1 at Frojel.
Rectangular prismatic with cut corners
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmT007 - Callmer 256 in 52 finds and 1 at Frojel.
9-11mmT007 - Callmer 256 in 52 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Hexagonal rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
9-11mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
12-14mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
9-11mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
12-14mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Octagonal rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
9-11mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
12-14mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
9-11mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
12-14mmT009 - Callmer 190 in 48 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Asymmetrical octagonal bipyramidal
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmT011 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
9-11mmT011 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmT011 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
9-11mmT011 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Hexagonal oval
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmT004 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mmT004 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Symmetrical octagonal bipyramidal
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.59-11mmT013 -
Planum parallel rhomboid discoid with facetted edges
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.515-17mmT006 - Callmer 4 in 2 finds
18-20mmT006 - Callmer 4 in 2 finds
Octagonal truncated cone
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmT012 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmT012 -
Globular, hexagonal-octagonal with quadrangular to hexagonal facets
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmT010 - Callmer 70 in 37 finds
9-11mmT010 - Callmer 70 in 37 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmT010 - Callmer 70 in 37 finds
9-11mmT010 - Callmer 70 in 37 finds
Planum parallel rounded discoid with facetted edges
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmT005 - Callmer 33 in 16 finds
12-14mmT005 - Callmer 33 in 16 finds
15-17mmT005 - Callmer 33 in 16 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmT005 - Callmer 33 in 16 finds
12-14mmT005 - Callmer 33 in 16 finds
15-17mmT005 - Callmer 33 in 16 finds


Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmS001 - Callmer 214 in 57 finds and 9 at Frojel.
9-11mmS001 - Callmer 214 in 57 finds and 9 at Frojel.
12-14mmS001 - Callmer 214 in 57 finds and 9 at Frojel.
21-23mmS002 - Callmer 5 in 5 finds
24-26mmS002 - Callmer 5 in 5 finds
Rounded and ribbed without plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 115-17mmS010 - Callmer 6 in 5 finds
18-20mmS010 - Callmer 6 in 5 finds
Rounded with plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmS003 - Callmer 8 in 7 finds
12-14mmS004 - Callmer 9 in 4 finds
15-17mmS004 - Callmer 9 in 4 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmS005 - Callmer 8 in 2 finds
6-8mmS005 - Callmer 8 in 2 finds
Cylindroid with oval section
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmS017 -
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equator
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmS007 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmS007 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mmS016 -
6-8mmS016 -
Rectangular prismatic with cut corners
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmS009 - Callmer 186 in 34 finds
6-8mmS009 - Callmer 186 in 34 finds
9-11mmS009 - Callmer 186 in 34 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmS009 - Callmer 186 in 34 finds
6-8mmS009 - Callmer 186 in 34 finds
9-11mmS009 - Callmer 186 in 34 finds
Hexagonal rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
9-11mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
12-14mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
9-11mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
12-14mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
Octagonal rectangular prismatic
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
12-14mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
9-11mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
12-14mmS011 - Callmer 84 in 35 finds
Asymmetrical octagonal bipyramidal
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmS013 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
9-11mmS013 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmS013 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
9-11mmS013 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
Hexagonal oval
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmS006 - Callmer 28 in 9 finds
6-8mmS006 - Callmer 28 in 9 finds
Octagonal rectangular prismatic with facetted sloping ends
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.512-14mmS015 - Callmer 16 in 3 finds
Symmetrical octagonal bipyramidal
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.59-11mmS014 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Globular, hexagonal-octagonal with quadrangular to hexagonal facets
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.59-11mmS012 - Callmer 61 in 30 finds
Planum parallel rounded discoid with facetted edges
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmS008 - Callmer 11 in 2 finds
12-14mmS008 - Callmer 11 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmS008 - Callmer 11 in 2 finds
12-14mmS008 - Callmer 11 in 2 finds


Rounded with plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 115-17mmU002 - 1 at Frojel.


Rounded with plane parallel ends
Length/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
12-14mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
15-17mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
18-20mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
21-23mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
12-14mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
15-17mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
18-20mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
21-23mmW001 - 8 at Frojel.
Planum parallel rhomboid discoid with facetted edges
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.59-11mmW002 - 1 at Frojel.

Monochrome by colour

    noncolouredTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
6-8mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
9-11mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
12-14mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
15-17mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
18-20mmA002 - Callmer 16 in 7 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
6-8mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
9-11mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
12-14mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
15-17mmA001 - Callmer 267 in 46 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mmA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
6-8mmA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
9-11mmA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
12-14mmA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
6-8mmA005 - Callmer 15 in 5 finds
9-11mmA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
12-14mmA006 - Callmer 8 in 6 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA003 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
9-11mmA003 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equatorLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA004 - Callmer 9 in 2 finds
12-14mmA004 - Callmer 9 in 2 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmA007 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Semi-TranslucentRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA010 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA012 - Callmer 6 in 6 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA011 - Callmer 11 in 4 finds
12-14mmA013 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA014 -
    white to greyish whiteOpaqueRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA371 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
9-11mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
9-11mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mmA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
6-8mmA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
9-11mmA022 - 1 at Frojel.
12-14mmA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
6-8mmA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
9-11mmA501 - 10 at Frojel.
12-14mmA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA026 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
9-11mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
9-11mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
6-8mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
6-8mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
Truncated bicone, the bases are the ends of the beadLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA029 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
9-11mmA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
    greyish whiteOpaqueRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA371 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
9-11mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
9-11mmA025 - Callmer 20 in 9 finds
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mmA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
6-8mmA020 - Callmer 318 in 68 finds and 1 at Frojel.
9-11mmA022 - 1 at Frojel.
12-14mmA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
6-8mmA021 - Callmer 150 in 53 finds and 5 at Frojel.
9-11mmA501 - 10 at Frojel.
12-14mmA023 - Callmer 19 in 10 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA026 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
9-11mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
9-11mmA503 - 5 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
6-8mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
6-8mmA024 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
Truncated bicone, the bases are the ends of the beadLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmA370 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA029 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmA027 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
9-11mmA028 - Callmer 9 in 1 finds
    greyOpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA504 - 1 at Frojel.
    blackOpaqueRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA030 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mmA030 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
12-14mmA031 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA033 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
9-11mmA033 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA032 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA034 -
    yellowTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA042 - Callmer 13 in 6 finds
9-11mmA042 - Callmer 13 in 6 finds
12-14mmA043 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA040 -
6-8mmA041 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
9-11mmA041 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA045 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
12-14mmA046 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
15-17mmA046 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA044 -
Semi-TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.512-14mmA516 - 2 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA050 -
12-14mmA516 - 2 at Frojel.
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA051 -
OpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA060 - Callmer 30 in 19 finds
9-11mmA060 - Callmer 30 in 19 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA061 - Callmer 17 in 13 finds and 2 at Frojel.
9-11mmA502 - 6 at Frojel.
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA063 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mmA517 - 1 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA063 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.59-11mmA064 -
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equatorLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 112-14mmA062 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA066 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmA066 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA065 - Callmer 7 in 6 finds
    greyish yellowOpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA070 - Callmer 11 in 9 finds
9-11mmA070 - Callmer 11 in 9 finds
    orangeSemi-TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA080 -
OpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA090 - Callmer 52 in 36 finds
Truncated coneLength/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmA091 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    redTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA100 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Semi-TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA110 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
OpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA500 - 16 at Frojel.
9-11mmA500 - 16 at Frojel.
12-14mmA500 - 16 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA500 - 16 at Frojel.
9-11mmA500 - 16 at Frojel.
12-14mmA500 - 16 at Frojel.
    yellow brownTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA120 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
OpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA511 - 1 at Frojel.
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA512 - 1 at Frojel.
    brownish redOpaqueRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA130 - Callmer 6 in 4 finds
9-11mmA131 - Callmer 215 in 91 finds
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.518-20mmA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
21-23mmA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
24-26mmA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA130 - Callmer 6 in 4 finds
6-8mmA513 - 1 at Frojel.
12-14mmA132 - Callmer 10 in 7 finds
18-20mmA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
21-23mmA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
24-26mmA133 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA137 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA135 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mmA135 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
12-14mmA135 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA134 - Callmer 7 in 5 finds
Truncated coneLength/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmA136 - Callmer 6 in 6 finds and 1 at Frojel.
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA138 - Callmer 9 in 7 finds
6-8mmA138 - Callmer 9 in 7 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
6-8mmA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
6-8mmA139 - Callmer 5 in 4 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA140 -
6-8mmA140 -
Hexagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ001 -
6-8mmQ001 -
    dark brownOpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.53-5mmA510 - 6 at Frojel.
6-8mmA510 - 6 at Frojel.
9-11mmA510 - 6 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA510 - 6 at Frojel.
6-8mmA510 - 6 at Frojel.
9-11mmA510 - 6 at Frojel.
    malva (reddish violet)TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA151 - Callmer 7 in 2 finds
9-11mmA152 - Callmer 17 in 8 finds
12-14mmA153 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 112-14mmA154 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA155 - Callmer 4 in 1 finds
9-11mmA155 - Callmer 4 in 1 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA158 - Callmer 12 in 4 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmA156 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
FlatLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 112-14mmA159 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmA160 -
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equatorLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA157 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA161 -
Pentagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ011 -
6-8mmQ011 -
Hexagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ010 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
6-8mmQ010 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
    dark blueTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA171 - Callmer 723 in 104 finds
9-11mmA171 - Callmer 723 in 104 finds
12-14mmA172 - Callmer 83 in 35 finds
15-17mmA172 - Callmer 83 in 35 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA170 - Callmer 57 in 22 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.518-20mmA173 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA177 - Callmer 55 in 31 finds
12-14mmA178 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA174 - Callmer 10 in 9 finds
9-11mmA174 - Callmer 10 in 9 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA175 - Callmer 7 in 7 finds
6-8mmA175 - Callmer 7 in 7 finds
FlatLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA179 -
12-14mmA179 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmA180 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
12-14mmA180 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
Cylindroid with oval sectionLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ031 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
6-8mmQ031 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equatorLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA176 - Callmer 49 in 16 finds
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA181 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mmA181 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
6-8mmA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
6-8mmA182 - Callmer 4 in 3 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmQ030 - Callmer 5 in 1 finds
6-8mmQ030 - Callmer 5 in 1 finds
9-11mmA183 - Callmer 52 in 23 finds
Hexagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmQ034 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ033 -
6-8mmQ033 -
9-11mmQ034 -
Octagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ032 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
6-8mmQ032 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Symmetrical hexagonal bipyramidalLength/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmQ035 -
9-11mmQ035 -
Globular, hexagonal-octagonal with quadrangular to hexagonal facetsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mmQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mmQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mmQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
9-11mmQ036 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
OpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA190 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    forget-me-not blueTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA200 -
Semi-TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA509 - 8 at Frojel.
9-11mmA509 - 8 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA509 - 8 at Frojel.
9-11mmA509 - 8 at Frojel.
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA211 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
12-14mmA515 - 2 at Frojel.
15-17mmA515 - 2 at Frojel.
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA514 - 2 at Frojel.
9-11mmA514 - 2 at Frojel.
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA514 - 2 at Frojel.
9-11mmA514 - 2 at Frojel.
OpaqueRectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA220 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
9-11mmA220 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    bluish greyTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA230 -
9-11mmA230 -
18-20mmA231 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Semi-TranslucentRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA240 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.59-11mmA241 -
OpaqueRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
9-11mmA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
Rounded and ribbed without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA251 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA251 -
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
9-11mmA250 - Callmer 67 in 16 finds
    bluish greenTranslucentRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA264 -
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA260 - Callmer 115 in 43 finds
9-11mmA260 - Callmer 115 in 43 finds
12-14mmA262 - Callmer 15 in 12 finds
15-17mmA262 - Callmer 15 in 12 finds
21-23mmA263 - Callmer 7 in 5 finds
24-26mmA263 - Callmer 7 in 5 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA261 - Callmer 46 in 20 finds
9-11mmA261 - Callmer 46 in 20 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
12-14mmA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
12-14mmA265 - Callmer 35 in 21 finds
FlatLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmA266 -
Hexagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ020 - Callmer 15 in 1 finds
6-8mmQ020 - Callmer 15 in 1 finds
Semi-TranslucentRounded without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 112-14mmA271 -
Rounded and ribbed without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA273 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA273 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA270 - Callmer 24 in 16 finds
9-11mmA270 - Callmer 24 in 16 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA274 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mmA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mmA272 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
OpaqueRounded and ribbed without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA282 -
12-14mmA282 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA282 -
12-14mmA282 -
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA280 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
9-11mmA280 - Callmer 3 in 1 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 118-20mmA281 -
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equatorLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA283 -
6-8mmA283 -
    pale turquoiseSemi-TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
9-11mmA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
15-17mmA293 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA290 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
12-14mmA292 -
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
12-14mmA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA294 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmA508 - 1 at Frojel.
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA296 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
OpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
9-11mmA291 - Callmer 192 in 28 finds
15-17mmA293 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA290 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
12-14mmA292 -
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
12-14mmA295 - Callmer 3 in 2 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA294 -
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA296 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
    medium greenTranslucentRounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA300 - Callmer 16 in 7 finds
12-14mmA300 - Callmer 16 in 7 finds
Cylindroid with oval sectionLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ051 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
6-8mmQ051 - Callmer 2 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA301 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmQ050 - Callmer 16 in 1 finds
6-8mmQ050 - Callmer 16 in 1 finds
Hexagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.59-11mmQ053 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ060 -
6-8mmQ060 -
9-11mmQ053 -
Semi-TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA506 - 1 at Frojel.
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA310 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA310 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mmA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
6-8mmA311 - Callmer 2 in 2 finds
Rectangular prismatic with cut cornersLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA312 -
9-11mmA312 -
Hexagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ060 -
6-8mmQ060 -
OpaqueSphericLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 13-5mmA507 - 1 at Frojel.
Rounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA505 - 4 at Frojel.
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA320 - Callmer 8 in 4 finds
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equatorLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA322 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
12-14mmA322 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.53-5mmA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
6-8mmA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
6-8mmA321 - Callmer 4 in 4 finds
Pentagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.53-5mmQ062 -
Hexagonal rectangular prismaticLength/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmQ061 -
    dark greenOpaqueRounded and ribbed without plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA330 - Callmer 4 in 1 finds
    greyish greenTranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA340 - Callmer 11 in 6 finds
9-11mmA340 - Callmer 11 in 6 finds
18-20mmA342 - Callmer 37 in 19 finds
21-23mmA342 - Callmer 37 in 19 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA341 - Callmer 361 in 85 finds
9-11mmA341 - Callmer 361 in 85 finds
Rounded and ribbed with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA345 - Callmer 84 in 29 finds
9-11mmA345 - Callmer 84 in 29 finds
15-17mmA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
18-20mmA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.515-17mmA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
18-20mmA346 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 1 and less than or equal to 1.56-8mmA343 - Callmer 5 in 5 finds
Truncated bicone, the bases of the cones are identical with the equatorLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.59-11mmA344 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 19-11mmA344 - Callmer 1 in 1 finds
Semi-TranslucentRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - less than or equal to 0.56-8mmA350 -
Length/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA351 - Callmer 23 in 9 finds
OpaqueRounded with plane parallel endsLength/Diameter - greater than 0.5 and less than or equal to 16-8mmA360 - Callmer 352 in 73 finds
CylindricalLength/Diameter - greater than 1.56-8mmA361 - Callmer 3 in 3 finds
      Updated: August 23 2017 22:46:07.
Text © Neil Peterson, 2017
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